Sunday, February 15, 2015

the ‘Infinite Jest Project’ by Corrie Baldauf (photo by PD Rearick)

1) An image from Corrie Baldauf's Infinite Jest Project, flagging all the colors in David Foster Wallace's novel Infinite Jest (Little Brown, 1996). "'It started as a tool, which is how someone would start drinking coffee or doing cocaine,' Baldauf says at Hyperallergic. 'But once the tool resolved the problem of not reading it, that was when it became an obsession.'" See more photos of the project on Baldauf's site, and read more here and here.

Infinite Jest p. 215 "Canadians"

2) From Jenni B. Baker's ongoing erasure project Erasing Infinite, here. "I only work with one page at a time. I scan each of the pages in as a JPG, which I open up in Photoshop and look at independently without the context of the pages that come before or after," Baker explains in an interview. Read more at HuffPost, here, and see images on Baker's site, here.

P.S. Baker is the founder of The Found Poetry Review -- take a peek.

The Infinite Atlas Project

3) The Infinite Atlas Project (2012- ), "an independent research and art project seeking to identify, place and describe every possible location in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest." Check out their site!

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